How to Cover an Awning for Winter


How to Cover an Awning for Winter

Your awning is a staple during the hot summer months but you may not be using it much during the winter. As such, many people seek to cover their awnings during the winter months to protect them from frigid weather. Here are a few tips to help you get on your way to winterizing your awning.


Clean it Well

The first step is to clean your awning well. You should make sure you wash your awning down and remove any debris, wash off dirt and build up, and make sure it is dry as well. Water, debris, dirt, and other buildups can cause mold and other nasty growth while the awning is rolled up and stored which may lead to staining and damage to the awning. If you are working with a cloth awning, you want to allow it to air dry before storing it to make sure all the water is off of your awning and that mold is not going to be an issue. There are some awnings that you can remove the cloth awning and place it in another place to keep it dry during the winter. For those that you cannot remove, however, you can still clean them well before you put them up for the winter.


Cover It

The next step you need to take it to either buy a cover or fashion a cover to help keep your awning safe during winter weather. Most awnings can be covered by a simple cover that you can purchase from the store. For those that are using awning covers, you should take the time to read the instructions for installation carefully so that you can be sure your awning is going to be protected fully. In most cases, you are going to need to measure your awning to make sure the cover you are using is going to fit properly and that is it also going to fit snugly.

If you can remove your cloth awning you may want to and then store it inside in a dry place. If you cannot, a cover is going to be the best way to make sure it is protected during the winter months. Covering your awning may require the help of another person depending on the size of the awning and how complicated the cover is. For the most part, awning covers are going to fit like a pillowcase would fit a pillow, you slip the cover over the awning then secure it to keep it in place during the winter. It is important to make sure the cover is securely fastened during to help keep your awning safe and sound all winter.


Maintenance During the Winter

There are some steps you can take during the winter to help keep your awning safe. If you live in an area where snow is a concern, you should remove the snow from your awning when it snows to help prevent damage to the motor and damage to the awning. You can also remove ice and other debris that falls during the winter months to keep your awning working properly and to reduce as much stress on it as you can. Removing snow and ice is not only going to keep extra weight off of your awning and is also going to help keep it dry as well.


For those that do not already have an awning, Mesa Awning is a great place to start. You can get a quote and see what types of awnings there are to fit your home and to fit your preferences as well.

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