Xeriscape Landscaping Design Ideas
Landscaping comes in a wide range of styles but for those that live in Arizona, lush landscape designs are simply not an option. Xeriscape landscaping design ideas can help remedy that problem and truly create something beautiful.
It is helpful to first understand what a xeriscape is in comparison to a typical landscape. Xeriscaping is creating landscaping that requires little to no water. This means that it is perfect for those areas that may not get tons of rain every year can truly benefit from this type of landscaping. Xeriscaping makes having beautiful landscaping possible even in those climates that may not get a great deal of water.
There are a few different elements of Xeriscaping that make it so special.
The plant selection of a xeriscape is essential in order to create a drought resistant display that is going to be beautiful. Things like cacti, succulents, and dry grasses are perfect for xeriscaping because they are drought resistant and they are great for areas that do not get a great deal of rain. These plants have adapted over the centuries to require little water. When planting your plants you should plant plants near one another that have similar water needs. Choosing your plants is part of the fun and you can find the perfect plants for your region by taking the time to see what plants work best in what areas and then working to find those plants at your local nursery.
Watering and Irrigation
Another fundamental of Xeriscaping is that you are going to irrigate only the root zone of the plant. Rather than watering the entire landscape as many do, xeriscaping only waters what is important and that is the root. This means that roots are going to be strong and that they plant is going to be able to survive even when there is little water because you have put a water system in place. Drip irrigation is often used in this case because it is able to penetrate into a specific area and is not going to spread water over a large area. Drip irrigation is able to focus water on a very small space then allow the water to seep into the root system. Drip irrigation systems are easy to assemble and create and many hardware stores have some sort of drip irrigation system in stock.
With a xeriscape your soil selection is also very important. The plants that are typical in this type of landscape are going to grow best in loose, sandy, and even rocky soil as they have adapted to grow deep roots to find water in these less than moist soil types. The root may be stunted if planted in clay or hard soil so you need to make sure that your soil is the right kind. Loosely packed soils are going to allow your plants to grow deep roots that are solid and that will help your plants flourish when they are lacking water during drier months or when the irrigation system may not be in use.
Your xeriscape can offer the greenery that you want without having to replace plants every few weeks because they have died due to lack of water. Choosing plants that do well in dry areas is the best way to start your xeriscape and you do not need a general contractor to do it. You can get help from your local nursery when it comes to plant selection. Making sure you have some sort of irrigation system in place is also easy and many stores do carry these systems that you can install on your own. Lastly, making sure you have the right kind of soil can make all the difference and your local nursery can again help you find the right soil and get it installed in your home.