Types of Storerooms and Sheds


For most of us, having the ultimate in outdoor or indoor storage is a primary goal. It feels good to be organized and have a proper place for everything. Since no two storage rooms or sheds are alike, we have big decisions to make when planning our perfect storage idea that fits our own particular needs. Let’s take a look at what types of storage can be built to fit our needs and what types of amenities they can have.

Many of us have your basic outdoor shed that can be transformed into a custom storage shed with a little help. By adding simple touches of paint and functionality we can add storage solutions for tools, garden hoses and equipment and even transform the inside of the door to become a place to hang other essentials. Pegboard can be used to organize and hang tools and many other items while keeping them off the floor. Installing open shelving can also be a solution to organize and store items that may have previously been on the floor cluttering up all of our useful space. Installing work counters can allow us to actually use our remodeled work area and turn it into a helpful work space. We can even de-clutter with style and decorate our space with color and design to make it fun! By adding these simple functional fixes to your basic outdoor shed, it becomes a much more useful and organized storage fix.

While wooden sheds are the most common type of shed for storage, we can also choose from other types such as Resin sheds or metal sheds. Each type has its own appeal. Wood sheds are more expensive than the other choices and are very strong, but are also more vulnerable to harsh weather, water and insects. These conditions can cause them to deteriorate and rot. Wood sheds will require re-painting and maintenance to make them last. By using a professional company that builds these wooden structures we will be able to rest assured that the craftsmanship will ensure the longevity of the structure.

Resin sheds are the newest type of sheds on the market and are becoming popular for several reasons. Because they are made of high quality plastic material or high density polyethylene,they are stronger and more durable than wooden sheds. Some manufacturers will even use integrated steel supports and double wall resin panel construction. These resin sheds are maintenance free, stain-resistant, and UV protected. They will not rot, crack or fade and will never need staining or painting. These Resin sheds will come in a variety of sizes and are the easiest to build; however, while they are extremely strong, you will not be able to hang as much weight from the walls as you can with a wooden shed. Resin sheds are attractive and clean but cannot be painted as wooden sheds can to match the color of your home. They do have options, however, that will allow you to add shelving, peg strips and even skylights.

Metal sheds can be made of steel or galvanized aluminum. They are the least expensive option for storage; however, they are not as strong as either resin or wood. In Arizona we may want to consider adding an anchoring system to our metal shed since our severe storms can actually move and damage them. They can dent and rust and are generally not as attractive as our wooden or resin choices. Metal sheds usually do not include floors either so you will have to plan what type of foundation you will use when you install it. Whatever type of custom storage shed you decide on, your choice of personal storage amenities can make the difference in how functional your storeroom can be.

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